CSDC's Annual School Planning Calendar is an exclusive benefit of CSDC Membership. 1 The next 10 upcoming items appear below. To view and search the 230 items in the calendar, please sign-in or join/renew!
Claim form BOE-268-A, Exemption for Property Used Exclusively by a Public School, is available from the county assessor (or schools can use claim BOE-263, Lessor's Exemption Claim, if the property is leased).
Topic: Accounting
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All employers
Actions to be taken: Submit claim for by deadline.
Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88/DE 88ALL) is used to report and pay Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI) withholding, and California Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding to the EDD.
Topic: Fiscal
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All employers
Actions to be taken: Submit report for January.
The SFSP and SSO are federally funded, state-administered programs that serve free meals to children eighteen and younger when school is out of session. Summer meals provide children with access to essential nutrition during school closures and summer break. In the summer of 2024, SFSP and SSO operators served more than 15 million meals to children throughout the state.
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Summer meal sites can be established in communities in which at least 50 percent of the children qualify for free or reduced-price school meals.
Actions to be taken: Submit application by deadline
Certification of the First Principal Apportionment (P-1) for school districts, COEs, and continuing charter schools. The First Principal Apportionment (P-1), certified by February 20, is based on the first period data that LEAs report to the California Department of Education (CDE) in November through January. P-1 supersedes the Advance Apportionment calculations and establishes each LEA’s monthly state aid payment for February through May.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: CDE certifies P-1 Apportionment
Federal Local Assistance-Report 1 due for 2024-25, reporting period July 1 to December 31, 2024.
Topic: Special Ed
Resources & Links:
Applies to: LA County Charter SELPA Member Schools
Actions to be taken: Timing varies by SELPA; check with SELPA (if not L.A. County).
The CALPADS Certification Status page allows users to view a list of snapshots, modify the list, view revision status, view certification errors, and certify or recertify a snapshot.
Topic: Data
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: Review and submit any data and certify or recertify, as needed, by this deadline.
The CALPADS Certification Status page allows users to view a list of snapshots, modify the list, view revision status, view certification errors, and certify or recertify a snapshot.
Topic: Data
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Charter School Board Action Required? No
Actions to be taken: Review and submit any data and certify or recertify, as needed, between October 2, 2024 to February 28, 2025. There is no Amendment Window.
Schools are eligible for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) if they meet one of the following criteria as determined by the CDE using the California School Dashboard: 1.) A graduation rate of high schoolers less than 68% averaged over two years, or, for Title I schools: 2.) In the bottom 5% of Title I schools for all students. For questions about CSI eligibility criteria, email the Accountability Development and Policy Development Unit at Dashboard@cde.ca.gov. As a condition of funding, the LEA must meet all subgrant reporting requirements for each fiscal year's (FY) funds. Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of regular grant management and administration. The CDE is required to meet federal reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. LEAs receiving ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI are required to submit this data to the CDE by the due dates specified in the associated tables for each FY funds (see website).
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools eligible for Comprehensive Support and Supportment (CSI)
Actions to be taken: Submit report between February 1, 2025 and February 28, 2025 via the Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART).
Executive Order N-6-25 extends the deadline for existing nonclassroom-based charter schools to apply for a renewal of a “funding determination” back to February 28, giving one additional month.
Topic: Accountability
Subtopic: LCAP
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Nonclassroom-based charter schools
Actions to be taken: Apply by this date
At the end of the year, employers must file a Form W-2, a Wage and Tax Statement, to report wages, tips, and other compensation paid to an employee with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and furnish a copy timely to the employee so that they can properly file their income tax returns. Everyone who is engaged in a trade or business that makes certain types of reportable payments must report the payment to the IRS. Form 1099-NEC is used for reporting payments for non-employee compensation of $600 or more to a payee. Form 1099-MISC or another type of information return is used for reporting payments other than non-employee compensation.
Topic: Accounting
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All employers
Actions to be taken: File the required forms by the required due date. If the due date for filing a return falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then file the return on the next business day.
1 Available to CSDC Member Schools, Authorizers, and Vendor Members (Tier II) with information access.