CSDC's Annual School Planning Calendar is an exclusive benefit of CSDC Membership. 1 The next 10 upcoming items appear below. To view and search the 230 items in the calendar, please sign-in or join/renew!
Beginning on August 19, 2024, the CDE will require a new submission of the Dashboard Coordinator registration form for the 2024–25 school year to gain access as the coordinator for LEA. Even if the coordinator information has not changed from the previous year, the registration form must be submitted and approved by the LEA superintendent or charter school administrator to receive the login credentials.
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Dashboard Coordinators and charter school administrators
Charter School Board Action Required? No
Actions to be taken: Submit Coordinator information to CDE.
Schools are eligible for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) if they meet one of the following criteria as determined by the CDE using the California School Dashboard: 1.) A graduation rate of high schoolers less than 68% averaged over two years, or, for Title I schools: 2.) In the bottom 5% of Title I schools for all students. For questions about CSI eligibility criteria, email the Accountability Development and Policy Development Unit at Dashboard@cde.ca.gov. As a condition of funding, the LEA must meet all subgrant reporting requirements for each FY funds. Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of regular grant management and administration. The CDE is required to meet federal reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. LEAs receiving ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI are required to submit this data to the CDE by the due dates specified in the associated tables for each FY funds (see website).
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools eligible for Comprehensive Support and Supportment (CSI)
Actions to be taken: Submit report between 10/1 and 10/31/2024 via the Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART).
Required LCAP upload to the California School Dashboard: Submission window opens October 14 Starting this year, local education agencies must upload their Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to the California School Dashboard. Charter schools must upload a single PDF of the LCAP adopted by their governing board, with the following elements assembled in the indicated order: - LCFF Budget Overview for Parents - LCAP Annual Update - Plan Summary - Engaging Educational Partners - Goals and Actions - Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income students - Action Tables - Instructions
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All charter schools
Actions to be taken: The charter school’s Main Authorizer, approved Alternate Authorizer, or approved Dashboard Coordinator will upload the PDF through the myCDEconnect system. The 2024–25 LCAP upload submission window will be open from October 14 through November 1, 2024.
The primary purpose of CAASPP is to assist teachers, administrators, students, and parents by promoting high-quality teaching and learning through the use of a variety of assessment approaches and item types.
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Charter schools who assessed students via CAASPP in the prior school year
Actions to be taken: View assessment results, if applicable.
As of 10/1/2024 LEA level California Statewide Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS) users are no longer able to initially determine exceptions in CalSAAS in the Undetermined exceptions screen. However, they are still able to respond to exceptions that have already been worked (or were predetermined) and were Returned from their monitoring authority. CalSAAS allows monitoring authority users to return unworked and undetermined exceptions to LEAs, if they choose. Doing so allows LEA users additional time to access unreviewed exceptions in their Returned tab on the exceptions screen. Use of this feature is completely at the discretion of the monitoring authority. LEA users need to work with their monitoring authority to determine if this option is available. LEA users should continue logging into CalSAAS to address their returned exceptions through the end of the monitoring cycle (October 30th). This is necessary because monitoring authorities may need additional supporting documentation to verify initial determinations. Monitoring authorities are able to change determinations of exceptions if they do not receive responses to their inquiries or adequate information to support the determination submitted. Note, any unmonitored exceptions (with a determination of “None”) remaining at the end of the monitoring cycle will automatically change to misassignments at the close of the monitoring cycle. Please be mindful that the misassignment and vacancy data resulting from this monitoring cycle will be made publicly available by the Commission and the California Department of Education. LEAs should contact their monitoring authority with any questions related to assignment monitoring.
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All LEAs
Actions to be taken: Complete Assignment Monitoring in CalSAAS
Schools are eligible for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) if they meet one of the following criteria as determined by the CDE using the California School Dashboard: 1.) A graduation rate of high schoolers less than 68% averaged over two years, or, for Title I schools: 2.) In the bottom 5% of Title I schools for all students. For questions about CSI eligibility criteria, email the Accountability Development and Policy Development Unit at Dashboard@cde.ca.gov. As a condition of funding, the LEA must meet all subgrant reporting requirements for each fiscal year's (FY) funds. Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of regular grant management and administration. The CDE is required to meet federal reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. LEAs receiving ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI are required to submit this data to the CDE by the due dates specified in the associated tables for each FY funds (see website).
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools eligible for Comprehensive Support and Supportment (CSI)
Actions to be taken: Submit report between October 1, 2024 and October 31, 2024 via the Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART).
Required LCAP upload to the California School Dashboard: Submission window closes November 1. Starting this year, local education agencies must upload their Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to the California School Dashboard. Charter schools must upload a single PDF of the LCAP adopted by their governing board, with the following elements assembled in the indicated order: - LCFF Budget Overview for Parents - LCAP Annual Update - Plan Summary - Engaging Educational Partners - Goals and Actions - Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income students - Action Tables - Instructions
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All charter schools
Actions to be taken: The charter school’s Main Authorizer, approved Alternate Authorizer, or approved Dashboard Coordinator will upload the PDF through the myCDEconnect system. The 2024–25 LCAP upload submission window will be open from October 14 through November 1, 2024.
The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) reflects school performance within the California’s accountability system with the reporting of Status (current year data), Change (the difference from prior year data), and Performance Levels (colors) for state indicators.
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Charter schools with state assessment and accountability data from the prior school year
Actions to be taken: Review the California Dashboard Communications Toolkit to prepare stakeholders for results.
Schools are eligible for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) if they meet one of the following criteria as determined by the CDE using the California School Dashboard: 1.) A graduation rate of high schoolers less than 68% averaged over two years, or, for Title I schools: 2.) In the bottom 5% of Title I schools for all students. For questions about CSI eligibility criteria, email the Accountability Development and Policy Development Unit at Dashboard@cde.ca.gov. As a condition of funding, the LEA must meet all subgrant reporting requirements for each FY funds. Actual expenditures for each performance period within the subgrant period shall be reported to the California Department of Education (CDE) as part of regular grant management and administration. The CDE is required to meet federal reporting requirements under ESSA, Section 1003(i) for school improvement funds. LEAs receiving ESSA, Section 1003 funds for CSI are required to submit this data to the CDE by the due dates specified in the associated tables for each FY funds (see website).
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools eligible for Comprehensive Support and Supportment (CSI)
Actions to be taken: Submit report between February 1, 2025 and February 28, 2025 via the Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART).
The California Department of Education (CDE) asserts that charter schools are largely subject to the same School Accountability Report Card (SARC) requirements that govern school districts, including the vast array of mandated content, adoption requirements, etc. Charter schools are required to prepare SARC reports as a method by which to measure pupil progress in meeting pupil outcomes for state priorities, pursuant to EC Section 47605(b)(5)(C). CSDC disputes this interpretation and believes that charter schools enjoy flexibility in determining their SARC content, provided it is aligned with the goals in their charter (as required per E.C. 47605(b)(5)(C)) and, if the school receives federal Title I funding, it must address content mandated by federal law (sec. 1111 of the Every Student Succeeds Act/ESSA).
Topic: Accountability
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All charter schools
Charter School Board Action Required? CDE asserts "yes," CSDC believes it is optional, but recommended.
Actions to be taken: Notify all parents of the availability of a full report and provide instructions regarding how this information can be obtained both through the Internet and on paper (upon request).
1 Available to CSDC Member Schools, Authorizers, and Vendor Members (Tier II) with information access.