CSDC's Annual School Planning Calendar is an exclusive benefit of CSDC Membership. 1 The next 10 upcoming items appear below. To view and search the 230 items in the calendar, please sign-in or join/renew!
New charter schools that receive a charter number and CDS code no later than September 30 may file the Charter 20 Day Report, which represents actual attendance data for the first 20 days of instruction. New charter schools that receive a charter number and CDS code no later than July 31 may file the PENSEC Report. New charter schools that submit the PENSEC report must also submit the Charter 20 Day Report while newly-operational charter schools and continuing charter schools that are adding one or more grade levels must submit the Charter 20 Day Report.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: New or growing and expanding charter schools
Charter School Board Action Required? No
Actions to be taken: Submit Charter 20 Day Form via email or by mailing hardcopies to the Principal Apportionment Section School Fiscal Services Division, California Department of Education.
The First Principal Apportionment (P-1), certified by February 20, is based on the first period data that LEAs report to the California Department of Education (CDE) in November through January. P-1 supersedes the Advance Apportionment calculations and establishes each LEA’s monthly state aid payment for February through May. Data due includes: - P-1 Attendance Data (All LEAs); - P-1 Adults in Correctional Facilities (AICF); - P-1 Charter School Physical Location; - P-1 Infant Funding; - P-1 Necessary Small School; - P-1 Special Ed Tax Allocations; - P-1 Transfer of Funds Alternative Rate Option CSDC stresses the importance of timely data submissions due to the short turnaround time required to certify the First Principal Apportionment.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: Submit 2024-25 P-1 data to the CDE by deadline.
Certification of the First Principal Apportionment (P-1) for school districts, COEs, and continuing charter schools. The First Principal Apportionment (P-1), certified by February 20, is based on the first period data that LEAs report to the California Department of Education (CDE) in November through January. P-1 supersedes the Advance Apportionment calculations and establishes each LEA’s monthly state aid payment for February through May.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: CDE certifies P-1 Apportionment
Report changes to charter school's CALPADS data identified by a charter school’s audit finding or auditor letter of concurrence, pursuant to EC sections 42238.02(b)(3)(B) and 2574(c)(4)(A) and (B). If the adjustment is not the result of an audit finding disclosed in the charter school’s annual audit report, then an auditor’s letter of concurrence is required for all changes except a decrease in the unduplicated pupil count.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: Email the letter of concurrence to the CDE at PASE@cde.ca.gov when the data is submitted.
Second Principal Apportionment (P-2) data is due to the California Department of Education (CDE). LEAs will submit the relevant P-2 data, including: - P-2 Taxes - P-2 Excess ERAF - P-2 Charter School Physical Location: Submit a P-2 file only if revisions are needed. The charter school must send an email to PADC@cde.ca.gov to request access to the data entry screen in advance of the reporting deadline. Include the entity responsible for oversight of the charter school as a copied recipient to this request. Note: Physical location data is used to compute the maximum cap on the percentage of "unduplicated" pupils that factors in to a school's LCFF concentration grant funding. Caps are based on the district with the highest concentration figure, so reporting all districts of location may result in higher LCFF concentration funding.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: Submit P-2 data to CDE.
Second Principal Apportionment (P-2) data is due to the California Department of Education (CDE). LEAs will submit the relevant P-2 data, including: - P-2 Attendance Data (all LEAs) - P-2 Class Size Penalties - P-2 Necessary Small School - P-2 AICF - P-2 SELPA ADA Allocation - P-2 Special Education Tax Allocation - P-2 Infant Funding
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: Submit P-2 data to CDE.
Certification of the Second Principal Apportionment (P-2) for school districts, COEs, and continuing charter schools. The Second Principal Apportionment (P-2), certified by June 20, is based on the second period data that LEAs report to CDE in April and May. P-2 supersedes the P-1 Apportionment calculations and is the final state aid payment for the fiscal year ending in June.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All schools
Actions to be taken: CDE certifies P-2 Apportionment
The Charter School Revolving Loan Fund (CSRFL) Program provides low-cost loans of up to $250,000 to charter schools, with priority given to schools opening in the current fiscal year. Funding priority is given to new charter schools, in their first year (designated priority 1) of operation and serving a high % of FRL students. Schools already in operation are considered priority 2 schools. The California School Finance Authority (CSFA) conducts extensive credit evaluations, makes funding recommendations, executes loan agreements, creates payment schedules, disburses funds, offsets loan payments, collects delinquent or defaulted loans, and develops program fund reconciliations and projections.
Topic: State Funding: Ongoing
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Newly-opened charter schools (priority 1), existing charter schools (priority 2)
Actions to be taken: Submit CSRFL application by this date.
1 Available to CSDC Member Schools, Authorizers, and Vendor Members (Tier II) with information access.