CSDC's Annual School Planning Calendar is an exclusive benefit of CSDC Membership. 1 The next 10 upcoming items appear below. To view and search the 233 items in the calendar, please sign-in or join/renew!
Reports due include MOE Pre-Test.
Topic: Special Ed
Resources & Links:
Applies to: EL Dorado Charter SELPA Member Schools
Actions to be taken: Timing varies by SELPA; check with school's (if not El Dorado).
The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the CDE to distribute categorical funds from various federal programs (e.g., Title I, Part A; Title II) to county offices, school districts, and direct funded charter schools throughout California. The Spring Release of the 2024–25 Consolidated Application (ConApp) for Funding Categorical Aid Programs collects information related to local educational agencies' (LEAs) intention to participate in 2024–25 ConApp programs. Also seeks legal assurances of compliance as required by state and federal statute, and other required program participation information.
Topic: Federal Funding
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Eligibility varies across Federal Title programs
Actions to be taken: Submit electronic ConAPP by deadline. All pages which contain original signatures must be maintained on file in the LEAs' office.
For LEAs in Los Angeles County impacted by the January 2025 wildfires, Executive Order N-6-25 extends deadline until March 31 for providing an LCAP Mid-Year Update to the governing board.
Topic: Accountability
Subtopic: LCAP
Resources & Links:
Applies to: LA County schools impacted by January 2025 wildfires
Actions to be taken: Provide update by deadline
At the end of the year, employers must file a Form W-2, a Wage and Tax Statement, to report wages, tips, and other compensation paid to an employee with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and furnish a copy timely to the employee so that they can properly file their income tax returns. Everyone who is engaged in a trade or business that makes certain types of reportable payments must report the payment to the IRS. Form 1099-NEC is used for reporting payments for non-employee compensation of $600 or more to a payee. Form 1099-MISC or another type of information return is used for reporting payments other than non-employee compensation.
Topic: Accounting
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All employers
Actions to be taken: File the required forms by the required due date. If the due date for filing a return falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then file the return on the next business day.
Federal act established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs.
Topic: Federal Funding
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Direct funded charter high schools
Actions to be taken: Submit Perkins grant budget revision for third quarter.
The annual charter school fiscal audit, also known as a compliance audit, is a type of school audit that can help identify improper expenditures. If a school is found to have made improper expenditures during a fiscal year, they will be required to pay any liabilities. Charter school governing boards should contract annually with a qualified independent certified public accounting firm to conduct an audit of the organization’s financial statements in accordance with auditing standards and related California and Charter School regulations, and the Standards and Procedures for Audits of California K-12 Local Education Agencies Audit Guide.
Topic: Fiscal
Resources & Links:
Applies to: All charter schools
Charter School Board Action Required? Yes
Actions to be taken: Select audit firm selection by this date.
File business property tax statement online with county assessor. Nonprofits are required to file the Form 571-L until the Assessor's Office has specifically granted them an exemption. Note: if a charter school received its real property tax exemption, its personal property likely is exempt too, provided the property is used exclusively for school purposes. Check with the county assessor if in doubt.
Topic: Accounting
Applies to: All employers
Actions to be taken: Submit annual property tax form to county assessor.
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a four-year alternative meal counting and collection procedure. Participation in the CEP reduces paperwork and other administrative burdens at the local level by simplifying the traditional operating procedures for meal eligibility and meal counting while eliminating the meal application process. CEP participation is required for some schools and is dependent on the % of students eligible for free meals. CEP schools have a minimum identified student percentage (ISP) of 40 percent, based on enrollment. Identified students are those who are directly certified for meals at no cost on the basis of their participation in CalFresh, CalWORKs, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, and Medi-Cal free, and the extension of these benefits go to students within the same household on April 1. Also included are students certified as homeless, migrant, foster, runaway, or participating in the Head Start program. The ISP is determined by dividing the number of identified students, as of April 1 of the school year (SY) prior to starting the CEP, by the number of enrolled students as of the same date, and multiplying the quotient by 100.
Topic: School Nutrition Programs
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools eligible and/or required to participate in CEP
Actions to be taken: Determine the CEP by this date.
All members of the charter school/organization's governing board and officers, Executive Director, and designated employees who make or participate in decision-making processes must complete a Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700, and submit to the FPPC as well as provide a copy to the charter school's office. Conflicts of interest must be disclosed. Filing requirements: once when assuming office, once annually, and once upon leaving office.
Topic: Governance
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Every elected official and public employee who makes or participates in making governmental decisions is required to submit a Statement of Economic Interests, also known as the Form 700.
Charter School Board Action Required? Electronic Filing
Actions to be taken: Review current Conflict of Interest policy to ensure it is up-to-date and reflects any organizational changes. Ensure filing of every board member, ED, and designated employee with a verified digital or wet signature.
To be entitled to reimbursement, a claim preparer for each sponsor must submit a monthly claim for reimbursement that provides data in sufficient detail to justify the reimbursement claimed. Reimbursement data must include, at a minimum: the number of free meals, reduced-price meals, and paid meals served. An authorized agent or district official of the sponsor must certify and submit the claim in Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS).
Topic: School Nutrition Programs
Resources & Links:
Applies to: Schools participating in federal meal programs
Actions to be taken: Submit claim for reimbursement in CNIPS by this deadline.
1 Available to CSDC Member Schools, Authorizers, and Vendor Members (Tier II) with information access.