Vendor Membership

Stay connected to California's charter school sector.


About CSDC

The Charter Schools Development Center (CSDC) is California's longest-running charter school support and advocacy organization. We helped write California's charter school laws in 1992 and have been hard at work ever since. We support California charter school leaders by providing tireless advocacy, annual school membership, trainings, consulting, and resources and tools.


Why Join?

CSDC Vendor Membership keeps you connected to the California charter schools sector.

Join Our Community

CSDC's annual members and trainings attendees represent a majority of California's 1,300+ active charter schools.

Be Seen on the Directory

Gain a listing on CSDC's Vendor Directory, a listing of companies helping charter schools reach their unique operational and instructional goals

Show Your Support

California charter school leaders have trusted CSDC for decades. Show your companies support for the state's longest-running charter school support organization.


Pricing & Benefits



Tier I


Tier II



Inclusion in quarterly article highlighting new/returning CSDC Vendor Members and published to the News section of CSDC's website.

Vendor Directory

A listing of companies helping charter schools reach their unique operational and instructional goals.


Listing on the CSDC Vendor Directory. Includes description, logo, location, website, categories, and phone number.

Rise to the Top: Inclusion in a special filter enabling visitors to quickly identify CSDC Vendor Members.

Generate Leads: Make a contact form directly available on your company's listing so that school leaders can quickly and easily contact you.

Show Testimonials: Gain access to a tool that will help you manage and display testimonials directly on your company's listing.

Rotating Banner Ad on the vendor directory search page. Limit: Up to 3 companies per month.


CSDC Conference

The event not-to-be-missed by California charter school leaders.


Discounted Booth Space in the Exhibit Hall. Gain access to an exclusive code discounting your company's exhibitor booth.

Event-Day Enhancements: Boost your company's visibility and get some well-deserved credit for supporting CSDC at the conference!1

  • Floor Plan Filter: Inclusion in the filter that enables attendees to quickly find CSDC Vendor Members on the dynamic floor plan.
  • Table-Top Sign indicating that your company is an active CSDC Vendor Member.
  • Entrance Sign: Logo inclusion on a large sign highlighting CSDC Vendor Members that have booths in the Exhibit Hall.
  • Pre-Plenary Slide Deck: Inclusion on a "Thank You" slide in the pre-plenary rotating slide deck.


Increase awareness of trends and developments affecting your clients.

Select Resources: Password-protected access to select2 resources on CSDC's website, including the Annual School Planning Calendar, CSDC Legislative Updates, Charter Currents, and Board Bulletins.




A membership term runs for one calendar year (365 days) starting from the date of payment (check, credit card, or invoice3 )



1 To receive this benefit, vendor member organization must be a current-year CSDC Conference exhibitor/sponsor and renewed/joined at least 30 days prior to the start of the conference.

2 The resources selected are intended to help charter school vendors better understand trends and development in the California charter school sectors. Please note that CSDC has developed some resources for the sole use of personnel at active California charter schools and that these resources are excluded from vendor member access. These resources include (but are not limited to) Sample Board Policies, webinars (live and/or recordings), and Online Governance Academy.

3 Invoices accepted from renewing vendor members (and/or companies with previous payment history with CSDC). If your company is joining for the first time, CSDC urges payment via check or credit for quicker activation.