2024 May Revise Webinar: Registration Open Now!

Join CSDC on Thursday, May 16, 2024 as we continue our 2024 Budget, Policy, and Leadership Update Webinar Series with a live, 3-hour webinar featuring CSDC’s Founder & Executive Director, Eric Premack, and CSDC's team of charter specialists.


After years of eye-popping state funding increases and education program expansions, California’s economic picture is mixed with a very negative impact on state tax revenues.

Declining revenues beg vital questions regarding the sustainability of recent education funding commitments and program expansions.

The governor’s “status-quo” January budget proposal largely “punted” on key education funding and program questions. (View CSDC's January 17 webinar for more on the governor's proposals.)

While the governor and legislature have agreed on modest mid-year cuts, CSDC anticipates much more difficult decisions remain, making this year’s May Revision to his budget proposal especially important.

Meanwhile, the legislature is deliberating over several bills of interest to charter schools and other important state agencies are adopting new regulations and requirements that beg charter school leaders’ attention.

What Will CSDC Discuss?

CSDC’s experienced staff will provide a comprehensive, engaging overview of “must know” topics as schools finalize budgeting and planning for the 2024-25 school year and beyond, including:

  • The larger economic picture and its impact on state revenues and overall K-12 education funding,
  • Mid-year funding cuts the legislature and governor have already enacted,
  • The governor’s “May Revise” budget proposals,
  • CSDC’s sense of the legislature’s take on key budget items, including initial reaction to the May Revise,
  • CSDC’s suggested budgeting and planning parameters for all major charter school funding programs,
  • The status of proposals from the FCMAT, the Legislative Analyst, and other groups relating to recent fiscal abuses by charter schools and school districts,
  • Updates on key bills pending in the legislative process,
  • Updates on key changes to auditing and compliance requirements.

Who Should Attend?

Given the range of topics above—and the high stakes involved this year—CSDC strongly recommends that organizations register:

  • Executive Directors and other senior leaders
  • CFOs/COOs and others with fiscal management responsibilities
  • Governing Board Members

This webinar series is an exclusive benefit available to CSDC Member Schools and Authorizers at no additional cost. Join/renew here.

Registration is required to participate in the live webinar on May 16.

Register now to join CSDC’s expert staff and hundreds of your colleagues for this important event.

2024 Budget, Policy, and Leadership Update Webinar Series

May Revise Webinar

Live Webinar
Thursday, May 16, 2024
9:30AM-12:30PM PDT


Webinar Recording
The recording of this webinar will be made available to CSDC Member Schools and Authorizers on CSDC's website shortly after the event and does not require registration.

Access Recording

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