Team Members

Laura Kerr

Legislative & Community Outreach Specialist


After representing Humboldt State University on the Board of Directors, Laura began her career as a legislative advocate for the California State Student Association in 2001. She organized statewide non-partisan voter registration campaigns and lobbied for student-sponsored legislation to expand Cal Grants, which was signed by the Governor in 2006.

In 2007, Laura joined the Regional Advocacy Team for the California Charter Schools Association, serving the Northeast and Central Valley. There she worked with charter school leaders to organize collective action to improve local policies and practices. She helped new schools get approved and existing schools get renewed in complex political environments.

Laura worked with CCSA Advocates to elect student-centered candidates to public office. She organized local leaders to pursue equitable access to local bonds and parcel taxes. In 2018, she moved to the Governmental Affairs Team to mobilize schools and families to oppose harmful legislation and fight for fair funding for all students.

In 2019, Laura founded LK Consulting to support clients with advocacy, strategy, and stakeholder engagement. She joined 360 Accelerator Education Partners in 2020 to continue to build relationships, capacity, and momentum amongst public school leaders, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Laura holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Cal Poly Humboldt (formerly Humboldt State University), and is a candidate for a Master Degree in Public Policy Administration from California State University, Sacramento.

She lives in Sacramento with her grumpy old rescue dog, Montgomery. She volunteers at the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-Op, and likes skiing, live music, and traveling in her spare time.

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