Team Members

Susanne Coie

Accountability & Development Specialist


Susanne Coie is the School Accountability & Development Specialist at CSDC. Susanne works closely with new charter school developers as well as operating charter schools seeking accountability support. She assists with charter petition reviews, financial plan development, grant reviews, governing board development, charter school law, regulation and best practices, and more. Her expertise includes education program, budgeting, and school administration. 

Susanne develops and delivers trainings in the areas of school accountability and development. In addition, Susanne manages and facilitates CSDC’s Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) in partnership with the California Collaborative for Excellent Education (CCEE).

Susanne has worked in K-12 education for 22 years and has served as a start-up charter school governing board member for nine years. Prior to joining CSDC, she was Principal and Co-founder of the Los Angeles Leadership Academy in central Los Angeles. Susanne started as a continuation high school teacher in Montebello, helping to administer a small school-within-a-school. She earned a Master of Public Policy from the University of California at Berkeley, a teaching credential from California State University at Los Angeles, and a BA from Pomona College.

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